Our creations are shipped to over 200 countries worldwide using the best possible shipping options supported by every country. In case of multiple orders, items may be shipped from different locations depending on the availability and convenience. This is to facilitate quicker and safer shipping of various items. Hence while we always try our best for items to reach our clients as per schedule, yet all the items may not reach the customer at the designated time.
Items will be sent to the address provided by you to the website. Make sure that you recheck the address before you confirm the order so as to avoid incorrect delivery. We prefer to deliver to office or residence addresses, we do not encourage delivery to P.O. boxes or any other destination where the recipient in not identifiable because of the risk involved due to the value of the goods.
Delivery dates are not guaranteed in the event of service interruptions or failures caused by events beyond the control of Melinda.in. These interruptions include but are not limited to transportation system, customs clearance issues, shipping carrier or cardholder’s credit card bank delays.
A single service provider may not have a strong network in all countries hence in order to optimize shipping lead times we work with several different service providers across countries. A mail containing details of the service provider as well as the tracking information will be sent to you within 48 hours after an order is shipped from our warehouse.
The delivery time for an order depends on the order itself. For made to measure, the process takes approximately 4 - 8 weeks. All other orders should be placed 7 working days in advance. We will update you with the tracking details within 48 hours of the items being dispatched. Deliveries will take place between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm unless otherwise specified.